Saturday, December 19, 2009

The End

I cannot believe it is the end, not just of my adventure in Ireland, but of my journey as a college student. It seems so surreal, and to be honest I don't think it has even really hit me.

I am heading back to the states with a enough money to last me a month, health insurance that runs out on my 22nd birthday, and more memories than I could possible recount, though I am sure I will try,

I am listening to Emerson Lake and Palmer's Father Christmas, my favorite, and my mother's favorite Christmas song. I can't wait to be home, I have loved this extended vacation but am so ready to get back to my mundane, average, beautiful life.

My best memories from this trip have been when I took a chance and went off the list I had created for myself, and I urge anyone else who is thinking of studying abroad, or traveling in general to do the same.

Merry Christmas.

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