Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Camping at Home

It feels very strange feeling like the room you have slept in, decorated and hopefully cleaned is no longer a home to you. After furiously packing away a bedroom full of stuff (crap) and having a BBQ to celebrate friendships that would have to be put on hold for the adventure ahead I went to my bedroom to sleep. The bed was the only thing left in the room. What was missing was the pillows and blankets I had so genius-ly paced away. So I slept in a sleeping bag on my own bed in my own room and felt as if I might as well have been outside camping.

I felt much more at home over the next few days sleeping at my boyfriend's parent's house or at my best friend's home in New Hampshire.

So after attending a wedding with Pat (that's my boyfriend's name, I felt rude calling by a title) and my friend, Sarah's graduation party I had done enough driving for half a year, which is perfect since I won't be driving again till January when I return from Dublin, I got on a plane headed to California.

Also in case anyone is wondering, Jet Blue is awesome! I can't believe I've never flown with them before. Oh and United sucks, but that's just my opinion, and no Jet Blue is not paying me for these statements.

So I plan to spend my week in California taking care of necessities (hair cuts, doctor's appointments) catching up with some very old friends (5 years is a lot when your only 21) and getting at tan (cause nothing will peg me as more of a tourist in Dublin than skin the color of a pecan). Also I am glad to see my parents who I haven't seen in over half a year and have all ready warned me that next Christmas will be the saddest ever because it is the last one I will come home for. I think sometimes they think I hate them when I actually do enjoy coming home and seeing them. I also don't think they realize that sort of information doesn't really make me ubber excited to come home.

My next post may very well be from John Bull's other island, that's Ireland if you don't understand my father's 1920's frame of reference.

Also, PROMETHEUS you are due for a post man! Love you and have fun picking up poop.

1 comment:

  1. I flew with Jetblue down to Florida once. They are an awesome company to fly with, I definitely agree with you!
