Friday, August 7, 2009

Predeparture Jitters

Here I am, on a little beach between North Beach and the dog park, with a guide to Dublin in one hand and the collar of my dopey, enormous mutt in the other, and I can't help but feel unprepared. This summer has been filled with dry Irish history text books, and Irish movies (In Bruges was amazing), and weekly checking of Irish news and yet I still have no idea what to expect. The only thing I feel sure about is that the rich people at the horse races wear very silly hats. What if I hate it, or worse what if I love it and don't want to leave. I don't think my parents would be too keen on my living illegally in another country.

In less than a week I have to have all my stuff, and all the stuff my boyfriend conveniently left, out of my room and stored somewhere, and everything I'll need for a whole semester packed in 2 carry-ons and 1 50 lb checked bag. I had to do this once before when I moved from California to Vermont for college. If your asking "Why?" to your commuter screen your not alone; I get that question a lot.

Feeling unprepared, excited and frightened all feel very much the same, and in my experience if you feel one your probably also feeling another. So here's to drinking a beer, not a Guinness (I don't like chewing my beer and they're not even an Irish company anymore, I guess I know more than I thought) with my dad when we get to Dublin.

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